Japp, Tomten kom även i år igår på Julafton och det blev en hel del paket, mest till Lilla Amanda självklart :) Som synes :P
Dagen innan dopparedagen så var det lite mys på Liseberg med vännerna, å den hemkomne Caroline :) Det dracks choklad och spelades lite. Vann något litet oxå.
Not much more to say...
But in a week, there's New Years Eve! Be back then;-)
torsdag 25 december 2008
Merry Xmas!
torsdag 11 december 2008
The end på skolan kom igår.
Konstigt, tusen känslor blandades till en stor ocean som nästan brast.
Har inte kännt så nån gång tror jag. Mådde till slut illa. Det var ännu konstigare. :P
Många hej då och lyckönskningar och nu ska man ut i arbetslivet, lr arbetslösheten :P nä, men bara ett tag förhoppningsvis....Sen kommer drömjobbet:)
Tjejemidda hos Nina på kvällen, mysigt med soppa, men mådde fortfarande illa....allt var bara konstigt å jag gjorde nog bort mej....försökte gö ett bestående intryck så dom inte ska glömma mej....men kom nog inte förrän på slutet....när man skulle säga hej då å jag inte ville släppa taget om dom när vi kramades hej då. Då var det nära att tårarna kom, skulle ha låtit dom falla...kanske dom skulle förstått hur mkt dom har påverkat mej.
Men vi har olika liv men finns nog ett hopp om framtida möten, kändes som dom ville lite. Gäller bara att ha tid för en liten skitunge som jag, för det är jag nog i deras ögon....7 år yngre lixom :P haha
Men vi bor ju ändå i samma stad, så hoppas nog på nåra framtida träffar ändå.
Tills dess får jag finna mej nåt och ockupera mig med :)
Mkt Kärlek!
onsdag 3 december 2008
Congrats to Effis! :)
This passed weekend I have had so much fun, I have been on ecstasy almost the whole time! :) :P
First I and all the girls in the class just laughed hard during the day in Friday. on the afternoon/evening I offered Linda on the entrance-fee to Liseberg and we just had a cozy time with all the little santas everywhere and tasted different mulled wine (glögg). mmh :)
Then on Saturday most of the girls went to Skövde to celebrate Effis 21 birthday! :)
She and Mikael were so sweet to us, we got fruitsalad (?) and potato gratin and chocolate cake! "mumsfilobabba" like we say in Sweden :P
Then we went out on three out of four clubs that exist in Skövde :P where we party with Pirates, Drag Queens and Magnus Carlsson all night long! :) So much fun!
I had a blast! :)
Many hugs and kisses to Effis who invited us all! Love you! :)
lördag 15 november 2008
A long time ago
I'm not so much active with my blog anymore...sorry...but here's a update for the last month ;-)
I got back to school after my trainee period and was happy again :P, I enjoy school much more than my time at Rödbo Plantskola....mostly 'cause I love the girls in my class :)
We have had two projects in school the last month and both have ended at Svenska Mässan in city. First we planned and build a display case at Hem och Villa mässan where we represented our school, August Kobbs.
Then we attended Park Expo mässan aswell, there we helped Liseberg and Trädgårdsföreningen with planning a display case who would represented this year's success with Göteborgs Lustgårdar. I think it turned out quite well :)
Apart from all exhibitions I were on a Halloween party and I must say that me and my friends looked so great! We were drop dead gorgeous! (At least Malin who was Corpse Bride :P)
Mimmi Mouse (Rossie), Marilyn Monroe (Linda), Hot 20s showgirl (Me), Hot Nurse (Linnea) and Corpse Bride (Malin)
And yesterday I finally managed to get together a few of the gang and we played Laserdome!! To long ago I must say! :P So much fun! My team won the first round, but then we got our asses kicked big time :P
I forgot to take much pictures but here we have Linda in a vest: yeah!! :P
And this morning me and some friends were at a "spa", it was more of a meeting there we could test different lotion, peeling and so on. They tried to sell a brand; Mary Kay. But it was fun. They had a drawing at the end and I actually won, a lipgloss :P
And we had very fun on the bus home, felt like we were high or something, just laughed at everything :D
And at the evening we played TP at Rossie, with only childrens questions 'cause we thought the adults were to hard! haha
That's all for now! I will write sooner until next time, promise! :P
lördag 11 oktober 2008
Last Friday my trainee period finished and I was back in school on Monday. I'm no longer isolated :P
I thought I would swim every day once I got back in school but I've been a bit lazy, just swum in Thursday....maybe more next week (A) :P
Yesterday we celebrated Linnea! She'll be 20 on Tuesday! Big girl like the rest of us now! :)
måndag 15 september 2008
Home alone!
Haven't got the time to write here for a while now, been super busy :P
My family travelled to Turkey last Wednesday for a week and left me home alone to manage the whole apartment. I can say that it's a lot to do, and like last time they were away, I'm on my second trainee period at Rödbo Plantskola and I'm pretty tired when I get home. But this time I take the car to work and it takes only ten minutes wich is nice :)
But on the contrary it's much more lonely, colder and darker now wich just makes it worse to be home alone....:( I try to see friends all the time :P
I think I will never like to live alone, so anyone who wants to move in with me when I get an apartment next year is welcome to do so :P
Since I got the car this week I asked a few friends if they wanted to do a roadtrip somewhere. Effis, Rossie, Carro and Malin were happy to get along and we drove to Fortress of Varberg (Varbergs Fästning) It was a lot of fun 'cause all the girls are crazy :P
lördag 30 augusti 2008
Time to be active!
This week I've got such an energy kick! (Perhaps because I got stung by a wasp in Sunday :P)
But I've started to swim at Valhalla, got my self a Year ribbon for 1400 kr. And I figured out if I swim 5 days a week for 40 weeks this year it will only cost me 7 kr/time! So I will swim every weekday before school (or when I have school at least;-)) And almost everyday mom and I are out and walking. I haven't been this much active in my whole life, but you know what, it feels great! :)
And I got myself a new look; cut and coloured my hair, my usual winter fur :P I'm a whole new person now! :P
But mostly of my newfound energy I got from one song actually, if you haven't heard it yet so download it now! Alphabeat with "Fascination" ;-)
fredag 22 augusti 2008
Norrviken and Happy Birthday Carro!
Yesterday was the big day! We finally went to Norrviken Gardens in Båstad with the class!
We have nagged on Göran (our teacher) for weeks now that we wanted to go! We drove down in three cars and it took about two hours. It was magnificent and I took about 300 pictures, just snapped away all the time :P
The streets of Båstad was so cozy and for few seconds it felt like I was back in Simrishamn again :) It wouldn't surprice me if I'll move down to Skåne or maybee England in the future, or both;-)
Unfortunately we got ourself a huge shower over us :P But only one, then it was shining sun!
Doesn't it look like Thailand or something? :P
On our way home Caroline, Nina and I took a detour to Ullared, Gekås! (And I will just add that those two chicks are absolutely crazy! And I always laugh hard when I'm with them :))
I found myself a couple of socks ( about 15) and an umbrella among other things. Not usal for me to just spend 283 kr in Ullared :P .
But I compensate it today by buying three couple of shoes on Skopunkten for only 700 kr;-)
And I have to announce that today is the day when Caroline (Thörner) becomes a little bigger! Happy Birthday Carro! :) *Giving you a big hug*
söndag 17 augusti 2008
Stairs and Takida
Since my playtime with the children in Tueseday we have learn to build stairs outside, and I can brag that my group,
the girls,build a very nice one with right hight on the steps and everything :P ;) Though we only
build three steps (2 and a half :p) we were very proud. But I could say that our three granite boulder
wasn't light to carry! So three steps was enough.
We also worked with stones, learned how to cut them in right sizes with special tools
and caroline unfortunate hit her thumb three times :P
Then on Thursday I, Andrea, Dennis, Granqvist and Heidi (from Volvo:P) went to see Takida at Götaplatsen, like everyone else in
Gothenburg :P It was packed with people and when we wanted to leave we barley got out :P
On Friday we catched a movie, Mamma Mia. It was me, Granqvist, my sweet Eff and Natalie (from volvo aswell :)) From my side I thought the movie was good, but maybe not as good like the movie Hairspray ...but perhaps because I really wanted to go on the toilet the last half hour :P
I really miss volvo so when I get a chance to see the volvo gang I take it! ;-) So I'm sorry Natalie but I think it was faith when the bank machine took your card so you couldn't repay me. Like you said; now we have a reason to meet again ;-) And I will make sure that will happen ;-)
onsdag 13 augusti 2008
Planting flowers
Yesterday I planted flowers with small children at Kulturkalaset in front of the Opera.
I stood in a tent for four hours and said same thing over and over again :P
"First take dirt and fill up your pot and then take your plant and ...bla bla...." :P
I counted that over 120 children had come just to my table and wanted to plant a flower and take home, that's many children :P
Lucky for me and my classmate that we had a tent to stand in cuase our last hour it started to rain, and not little either!
I thought that I would end up with throwing dirt at the children because I thought they would be a pain in the ass by cryin and screaming all over the place but that did not actually happened, as fortunate. :)
Mostly of the children were just happy about to plant a flower and take home. One little boy just lighted up when he realized he got to take the dirt himself in the pot :) He was so cute!
So I can say that it was worth it, but four hours was enough. :P
Otherwise can I report that we have five brand new rabbit babies at school, and they are so "gosiga" like we say in swedish :)
lördag 9 augusti 2008
"Stackars mig, Nej stackars dig"
Hör samma gamla sång
Från dig
Stackars mig
Är det inte ”glömde”
Eller du ditt mobil batteri ”tömde”
Så är det ”Var i ett annat land”
Ska alltid komma i sista hand
Man erbjuder en hand men du tar en hel arm
Har man någonsin fått något tillbaka
Nej, enbart fått det sura äpplet smaka
För det är väl du som är offret, den svaga
Ingen idé att säga att du sårar
Du bryr dig väl inte om mina tårar
För du hade mig enbart till lån
Visst, fortsätt (du) att vara du
För jag går nu
9/8 - 08
After Work
At the magical date of 080808 it was After Work with my co-workers from Volvo :)
We went to Chez ami, actually my first time there though everyone else seems to be there every weekend :P Probably because its cheep beer and cider...but money is no problem for me so I started off with my usual milk drink ;-)
Had a great time, though my short stay. Hope the rest of the night were fun too, whereever you took the after party :)
School started this monday and it was nice to see some of my classmates again. But for the moment it's just our class (about 7 poeple) in the school so it's a bit quiet.
Next week our class have to stand in a booth at the Kulturkalaset and plant flowers with children, woho....or not :P If you want to visit me, I'll stand in front of the Opera on Tuesday between 12 to 16;-) please (!) come by! ;-) :)
söndag 3 augusti 2008
End of Summer (almost)
When school begins usually it means the end of summer, but this time it's actually a whole month left :P but it feels like it's the end anyway.
Friday was my last day at Volvo and it just felt sad, though I now get a little bit longer sleep at the morning I didn't want to leave, not yet anyway....
My new co-workers this year was just awesome, the best summer yet at Volvo and I just get to stay for four weeks, that sucks! :P The department of 57513 at Volvo RA just rocks! right girls? :P
Hope the future brings us together some day again :) (beside the afterwork this friday;-))
Otherwise this summer has been great, met so wonderful people both at Trädgårdsföreningen and Volvo and I got a chance to visit Österlen wich was beautiful :)
will finish off this with some pics from friday night when we just had a good time in the sun :)Where I by the way got a american fotboll in my head by Sjödin! :P but it didn't hurt that much :P otherwise I would have drowned him! :P
söndag 27 juli 2008
Hot Hot Hot!
The heat is here again! And it's so sweet :) Have gone down to the river every day after work and taken a dip or two and just layin in the sun and chillin' :P what more could you ask for ?
only one week left at volvo then it's school again...I hope the sun will stay so I can get a little more tan to show my classmates :P
This weekend it was ,beside all the dipping in the river (:P), a lot of mosquitoe bites and laughter when the gang got together and played cards and other games, and a big barbeque party at Kollosalen in Gunnesby :P ;-) It was a quite relaxing weekend actually, and it was fun :)
If you haven't heard it yet so download the song "Bag in da Box" with Dj Tune and Orremannen! It will stuck on your head and stay there! :P
"It's a bag in box, it's a bag in da box....lala" :P
söndag 13 juli 2008
Volvo again
So last friday was my last day at Trädgårdsföreningen, mixed emotions can I say. I've learned so much and met wonderful people and I'm grateful for my time there :) Hopefully my future workplace will look look the same.
On monday is was time for my other work; Volvo. It was nice to be back and drive my truck again :P and meet all the new summer workers. Considerable less work than Trädgårdsföreningen, a lot of sitting in front of the computer than lifting heavy stuff :P But this coming week I think it will be a little tougher...new work dutys.... :P Nice to make some money aswell :)
Otherwise not much has happened.... so later! :P
söndag 29 juni 2008
Opening party at Trädgårdsföreningen
Yesterday Göteborgs Lustgårdar (Gardens of Gothenburg) finally had their opening! The public could at last see what had been hapening behind the scenes for months now and it was splendid, if I could say it myself :P
Heres a few pics before they had opened Trädgårdsföreningen for the public:
At night there was a party for all the four different gardens staff (Trädgårdsföreningen, Liseberg, Gunnebo slott och Botaniska) at Trädgårdsföreningen :) I nearly did not attend because my classmate Anders called and said he couldn't make it and I had a headache but I took an alvedon and forced myself to go! Wich I certainly did not regret! :)
A lot of celebrities from the garden industry where there, both from Sweden and England :). We ate and drank good and just had fun!
I was with my trainee friends from Uppsala; Anna, Marie and Hanna. It was a happy surprise when Hanna showed up because she quit last Thursday and because I was ill then I didn't had the chance to say goodbye, but she got invited and came down from Uppsala :) :)
It was a successful evening and once in a lifetime experience wich I'm happy I forced myself to go to :P hahaThe Palmhouse at Night! :P
Anna, Marie and Hanna :) I'll miss you.
torsdag 19 juni 2008
This weekend I and Effis was in Simrishamn in Österlen, Skåne! :) I got my trip to beautiful Österlen thanks of Eff :) And we had nice weather too, except it was a bit windy :P
Simrishamns streets was wonderful and cozy with thier colorful houses.
On Sunday Eff and I hired a couple of bicycles and managed to get our asses to Glimminge Hus more than 10 km away from Simrishamn. It was a bit hard because it was up hill and it started to rain when we almost was there. But the way home was much easier as fortunate.
But Eff already felt a bit ill when we left and then got a bit worse, she got a cold and a bit of a fever....and geuss who else cought it a couple of days later? That's right! ME!
When we got home on tuesday I didn't felt fit. I would suppose to work yesterday (wednesday) and today but I really couldn't, not when I'm sneezing of my head all the time!
But anyway, our stay in Simrishamn was really nice and relaxing and it was pleasant to get away for a bit. :)
fredag 13 juni 2008
Busy week
A lot have happened this week. First me and my brother have been home alone because our parents have travelled abroad to Greece. :P (Wich have resulted in that I hade to do all the daily chores in the house :P and I have worked all days meanwhile he is free from school and work, lazy bastard! :P)
Last friday me and my friends spend our time att my summerhouse in Säve, Gunnesby. We grilled, swimmed and just relaxed. BUT I wasn't very smart because I left my mobile in the pocket of my surfing shorts wich I swim in, so you all can geuss how happy I was when I realized what I had done :P But my friend took it apart and let it dry for a while and then everything worked except the camera, but the main thing is that I can still call with it;-) Though I am actually thinking of buying a new and better phone, one with a 5 mega pixel camera;-) We'll see when that happens :P
The rest of the weekend I spend in Slottskogen where we surprised Ljungberg since it was his birthday.
It was a hot weekend and by monday it went a bit colder wich was nice because it was easier to work.
Today was the last day for my new friend Nann at Trädgårdsföreningen. We begun last monday together and we kinda bounded in a short time and it was a bit sad to say goodbye today....but hopefully we meet again, maybe later this summer. She's actually from Åland and is studying in Uppsala so is a bit hard to see eachother.
And this monday two of her classmates came and I bounded quickly with them aswell. How you can be attached to someone that fast is really insane! :P But when it clicks it CLICKS ! :P :)
Because of all the wonderfull people I enjoy working at Trädgårdsföreningen very much and I'm sure this experience will be with me the rest of my life! :) But still I have some time left; my work end there at 2 of July. ;-)
torsdag 5 juni 2008
Practice at Trädgårdsföreningen
Now I'm working as a trainee at Trädgårdsföreningen (The Garden Society) here in Gothenburg and it's so hot! It hasn't rain over a month and it's no clouds in the sky so I get a new sunburn every day :P My sweat is running everywhere :P
Though the heat and the hard work it's a lot a fun because I get a chance to be behind the scenes at the BIG event this year in gardening in Sweden, Göteborgs Lustgårdar (Gardens of Gothenburg) wich starts 28th of June.
If you get a chance I recommend a visit;-)
Next week I will upload some pics so you also get a chance to see whats coming;-) But dont tell anyone, because I'm not allowed :P Sccch:P
torsdag 29 maj 2008
Congrats Bro! :)
Now is my little brother big! Yesterday it was his Student (Eximination day) and he was really handsome! Not often you get a chance to see him in a nice suit!
Fun to see my brother a bit wild and crazy :P otherwise he's quite reserved, but not yesterday! :)Much jumping on stage and much screaming on Avenyn (The Avenue). First we thought he would miss the chance to get a ride on Avenyn but thanks to a friend he could get along with their truck :) And when I picked him up at Heden he and his friend was quite hoarse :P
And then it was party in evening at Respekt in Järntorget!
So I think it was a successful day :)