Today it's not only Malins birthday but also my brother, Jocke, and Dennis birthday, so Congratulations to all! (Jocke = 20, Malin = 21 Dennis 22 ;-)).
So I will eat some cake later :)
I was up early today and so was Wille as well so we went to city and took some breakfast at Miss Olsson (Fröken Olsson) atleast I did, Wille had already eaten a bit at home but took a hot choclate and I took scones, mmm so good :)Wille wanted me to take a picture on my new leather jacket so here it is Wille;-)
måndag 23 februari 2009
Happy B-day to Jocke, Malin and Dennis :)
lördag 21 februari 2009
Our little Malin is turning 21 :)
Her birthday is on Monday but we celebrated her already yesterday ;-)
Dinner at her place and then we went to Kontiki ;-)
Had a really good time, which I always do with those girls. We actually named our gang yesterday, now we're the PartyPuffarna :P or as I just like to call us; the Puffs (Puffarna ) haha
Kontiki was cozy and different with their design on the place but we all thought that the music sucked, at least yesterday....maybe better other nights :P (Lets hope so if we're going there again;-))
And another thing that wasn't so great...I got ill yesterday before it all, got fever and a headache....not so much fever, rather a type of shivering and just felt weird in whole my body....but took some iprens and went anyway...I had looking forward to this some time now so if I wasn't dying I would go I had decided;-) :P
Still feel a bit weird but otherwise it seems fine;-) Hope you all also are doing fine :) Malin at kontiki, shall put some more pics up on facebook ;-)
torsdag 19 februari 2009
We actually got ourself to ullared yesterday, but it took its time :P Didn't have much time to find all of the stuff I wanted because Jocke and Granqvist were finish almost directly and just kept stressing me to get ready did not get a chance to look at everything....But bought some t-shirts and a very nice and cheap leather jacket which a really needed because my old one is getting worn out, so I'm pretty much satisfied ;-)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow when Malin having her dinnerparty and then we're going to Kontiki near the Botanical Garden. Kontiki is inspired by the Caribbean and consist of a lot of bamboo which is cool :) Hope we have fun :)
tisdag 17 februari 2009
We didn't go to Ullared in Friday because our driver got ill, and I don't know if we ever will, though he's well now he can't get away from work it seems....I and my brother just get frustrated....we think he exaggerate a bit (he said he got the fever in thursday and on friday he said it was gone but that he felt a bit weak and had a sour thoat, ok that's acceptable) and he is a little to slow with taking actions! (On Saturday he still didn't felt well he said, but Jocke and I took a little road trip to our country house and geuss who we finds :P and it's longer for him to drive than for us but that he managed to do :P.) We already lost Linda because she's busy this week and next week Jocke starts his new work and can't just take a day off the first he do :P
Granqvist is a man with few words and I just get irritated, how hard is it to just say all the information at once? I have to drag it out of him....if we managed to get to Ullared this week we probably gonna get the information an hour before...we got lifes to plan aswell!
Do you see my problem? :P
torsdag 12 februari 2009
My First
Got my first job interview today...ever actually :P I was a bit nervous but it was not to bad. The woman who interviewed me was very nice and it was easy to just be myself.
She said they will get in touch in two weeks so get your fingers crossed that it will be positive news :).
Otherwise I have had a busy week for once :). Eff came down to Götet on Saturday and we planned to try to do as much activities as we could....but so far it just have been walks, Indian lunch and a game of badminton (which I won ;-)) ...but it's still more than I usually do in a ordinary week nowadays :P
And tomorrow I, my brother, Granqvist and Linda are going to Ullared to do some shopping! oh yeah! :) A smaller trip suits me well now, think on something else ;-)