onsdag 30 juni 2010


This past week I have stayed home from work because I'm ill. Have already coughed for two weeks and when I thought it was over I got an even worse cough and a high temperature on Sunday. But it feels like I can't be ill and stay home from work because there isn't any who can replace me really...so my boss is probably more stressed now than ever...
But I have to just ignore that feeling 'cause I have to rest! Will stay home the whole week...but don't want to go back on Monday either...Why can't I just get an other job???

I find comfort in the amazing community that is Lots fandome! I so love that show! Bring it back already! I got some time now to watch the first season DVD that I bought a couple of weeks ago. Love the extras and the audio commentaries are so funny :D
Can't wait for season 2 DVD...but will have to wait for it until September 28 though...At least there something good with this coming autumn then :D

måndag 21 juni 2010

An other blog

So after the whole cancellation of Legend of the Seeker (why God, why!?) I have found an amazing community of fans to the show and a lot of other blogs, fanfics and other pages about LotS. I've joined a few, for example Tumblr which also is a blog page.
Where you mostly puts up pics, videos and so. Much easier to follow others as well ;-)
Here's my page (If you're interested in more pics and vids, but not just about LotS).


söndag 20 juni 2010

Run away with me?

I'm so frustrated! I feel like something is missing in my life. Besides not have found that special one yet I feel it's something else too. I thought I had found my call, my purpose in life by changing career but It's not quite fulfilling the hole in my heart. But it probably depends on that I hate my current workplace.

I just want to run away to a beautiful place (not necessarily by myself) and just stay there and breath for a while. Find myself again. Yeah, I feel lost. Insecure in my choices again....Am I on the right path? I hate this feeling!

I try to figure out if I have gained something by taking this job. I think I have got a new perspective on things, like not being so picky about searching jobs in different occupations...and releasing my inhibitions a bit...
Not so much concrete things, but more on a mental level....I hope that will take me to a better job in the future. Or just a better place....meet new people...

I have always believed that things happens for a reason. That my choices will lead me to happiness and well being...
But I feel like I need a guiding hand right now. Will someone please take my hand....or just push me in the right direction...?

tisdag 15 juni 2010

Emily Foxler!

So just found out that Emily Foxler, aka Nicci from Legend of the Seeker, is from Sweden! (Maybe you already knew but I’m a little behind because my obsession have been another hot Seeker lady *cough* Tabrett Bethell *cough* :P)

But I’m a little ashamed that I don’t recognise a fellow swede when I see one! :P But she fooled me! a proof how good she is at acting perhaps? ;-)

Will follow her from now on :)

söndag 13 juni 2010


I fredags var jag hos sjukgymnasten och undersökte mitt förbannade knä! (vänstra)
Han jag hade var bra tyckte jag. Han kom i alla fall fram till att jag har inflamation i muskelfästet precis under knät och att mitt vänstra lår inte alls var lika stark som högra, det var faktiskt en ganska stor skillnand. Vilket kan ha haft betydelse till varför det knät inte återhämtade sig när jag överansträngde mig.
Så jag fick ett rehabs program med bra övningar för knät och låret. Så nu hoppas jag verkligen att det löser sig.
Jag gjorde övningarna för första gången igår och det kändes bra. Det ingår faktiskt att cykla och springa också vilket kändes skönt, så jag får motion med.

Målet är att fixa knät och kunna springa nåt av loppen; Göteborgsvarvet, Midnattsloppet, Vårruset eller liknande nästa år ;-)
Skulle verkligen vilja klara av nåt av dem längre loppen utan att kollapsa och känna mig stolt! Vill ha den adrenalinkicken som kan komma under såna lopp. :)

Håll tummarna ya'll! :)

söndag 6 juni 2010

Green Day was amazing!

Oh yeah! Green Day yesterday was one of the better concert I've been to!
They have no problem getting the party started ;-) And they really care of their fans. So much that they take them up on stage...about 10 people were invited up to sing, jump around or kiss Billy Joe :P haha
That was awesome! :) And we had beautiful weather here in Gothenburg!

torsdag 3 juni 2010

New Zeeland, anyone?

I really want to go to New Zeeland this winter but don't know how I'll manage with that...money is not a problem, but how to get there! And if I will travel alone or not, would rather not.

Trying to find a group with a guide I could travel with, or something similar. :P
Maybe hardcore fans of Legend of the Seeker, Xena or Lord of the Ring? :P Would be amazing to see the locations where they filmed those series/movies :D

Do you have any tip for me so feel free to leave a comment ;-)
Like where I can stay or get a cheap plane ticket ;-) :D

onsdag 2 juni 2010

oh Cara Mason

I found a perfect description of Cara and why I love her so much in Legend of the Seeker by 'the echo fades' on tumblr.com . ( http://echofades.tumblr.com/post/654475297/07-cara-mason-legend-of-the-seeker-can-we )

"Words cannot express my love for Cara. Although I was already loving show by around mid-S1, and obviously adored Kahlan, I still found it a tad dull that our main characters were just skipping around as a trio of goodness and light. And then.. Cara came along. I feel like they needed Cara to add that edge to the group dynamic. Always there to roll her eyes whenever Richard wanted to leave the quest to save some random, throw out snarky remarks whenever they wanted to do the “right thing”, look totally bemused whenever any of them mentioned love. And her growth was fantastic - she’s such a layered character and has changed so much without losing what makes her Cara. Every time she smiles or admits she cares about the group it kinda kills me a little bit :’) She may still think it makes her weak but I wouldn’t want her any other way.. I love my Cara as the ultimate HBIC (Head Bitch In Charge) and resenting the fact that the gang have made her feel again, heh. It makes me way too sad that she’s being taken away so soon after I discovered her."

I so agree with 'the echo fades' .

Why do they (ABC and others) take away Cara from us!? :( :(

tisdag 1 juni 2010

Besattheter just nu / Obsessions right now

Vad hade jag gjort utan musik i min tillvaro? Speciellt nu när man jobbar ensam....skönt med gänget på P3 också då. :)
Favorit låtar just nu är Robyn - Dancing on my own (lyssnat sönder den sen i fredags) och Madcon - Glow som var med i flashmoben i Eurovision i lördags. En så jävla go crusing/sommar feeling :)
(Ni som har Spotify kan kolla in mina listor, rekomenderar RNB+Dance listan)

Förutom hennes singel så är jag även besatt av Robyn för övrigt nu. Dessutom artisten Linda Sundblad och skådespelerskan Tabrett Bethell (som jag nämnt). Varför detta kan ni undra? Jag vet knappt själv, men gemensamma nämnare är att alla är blondiner och har värsta girlpowern! :D Blir väldigt inspirerad av dom.

Tredje besattheten (som pågått ett tag) är ju serien Legend of the Seeker. (Där Tabrett Bethell är med) Och idag fick jag hem första säsongen på DVD från USA, jätteglad! :) (men ledsen att dom bestämde sig för att lägga ner serien efter två säsonger, om inte fansen lyckas med ett mirakel).

Så länge besattheten är en sån där skön känsla och inte övergår i mani så är det underbart...men Legend of the Seeker - besatten är väl på gränsen :P

What's your obsessions right now? :P