Two weeks at my new job has gone rather fast, but it also feels like I've been there for a much longer time because I've settled already and everybody are really nice and helpful :)
So I enjoy work now, though it's heavy ;-)
Last Saturday I was at Tjolöholms Christmas market and bought a lot of good food and sweets :D
And last night we celebrated my best friend Effis birthday! We played some fun games at her place and then we went out in the freezing cold night! It's been minus 10 degrees Celsius for a couple oy days here in Gothenburg and it's been snowing almost every day. It's quite unsual for Gothenburg in November actually. I don't think I've seen this much snow here in November for 7 years or so. :P And it's not fun to go out and party in pantyhose when it's so cold and windy! :P
But I had fun :)
söndag 28 november 2010
Freezing cold in Gothenburg
fredag 19 november 2010
My first week at my new job
So today at 11.15 pm (swedish time) I will have worked my first whole week at my new job. :)
Its been a nervous, exciting, confusing, educational but above all a hard working first week! It's a heavy job and I feel it in my back and in my feet but it gets better every day so I will get use to it.
Everybody who works with me are really nice and helpful which is great!
That was my biggest worry before I started, because that's the main thing when you work somewhere..that the people are nice.
It was me and an other guy who began this Monday so we're helping each other out a bit extra. And he is friendly, easy to talk with and is in my age.
The work is quite easy to do. You just get an order and uses the "pick by voice" headset and picks the articles with your forklift and sends it away to costumer.
But the "Voice" can be hard to use sometimes when "she" don't understand what you're saying :P I say "repeat" very often too when I don't understand what she's saying :P haha So we have a joint misunderstanding sometimes :P
But overall I like the new job and I hope I eventually will get the day-time shift, because it's easier to be with friends that way, and you don't have to work late in Fridays :P ;-)
Now I will watch the latest ep by Rebecca and Fiona :D
söndag 14 november 2010
Headache and nervous
Tomorrow is my first day at my new workplace and I'm pretty nervous!
Maybe not dead nervous but still....and I got a headache...but probably because the late night I had :P
I will begin driving a fork lift again at this job, yay! :D 2 years since last time. And it's good that I'm been working out so much the last 2 years because this will be a heavy job...but I'm use to work hard (with my body) so I think it's going to be just fine ;-) I have never had a work where I just sit around all day. No, that's not for me.
I hope my future co-workers going to be...nice and not to much psycho. Actually it would be enough if I just found one person who is nice and who I can spend the the breaks with. That's all I ask for.
PLEASE! Cross your fingers for me :)
Now I'm gonna release some of my tension by dancing to a new song I just discovered:
Tino Coury - Diary
onsdag 10 november 2010
Goodbye life :P
I went to a job interwiev this morning and just found out that I got the job!
I'll be starting this Monday and will work the evening shift so I'll have to say goodbye to my social life haha But I will get a lot of money instead so I just have to deal with it ;-)
Lets hope my new workplace will be awesome! :)
torsdag 4 november 2010
Busy week for a change ;-)
Time for a post in Swedish ;-) Use google translation if you don't understand, but can't guarantee that it will be correct translated. (I translated it myself and it's not translated correctly nearly at all. But maybe it's funny to read anyway )
Denna vecka har vart lite mer händelserik än övriga på sistone.
Allt hände egentligen på en och samma dag.
Igår, onsdag, hade jag ett besök hos tandläkaren för att dra ut en dum visdomstand. Egentligen skulle den bara lagas, men jag slipper gärna alla visdomständer, så bad dom dra ut den. Det var en utmaning för dom, den satt rejält, fick sitta gapandes i en timma ungefär. Tur att man inte var förkyld så man kunde andas genom näsan :D
Tyvärr var det en dyr historia då det kostade ett par tusen lappar. Men från och med nu ingår jag i alla fall i Frisktandvårdens försäkring, som enbart kommer kosta dryga femhundringen per år.
Efter tandläkaren gick jag hem och hade en enorm saliv och blod produktion i munnen :P inte jättekul. Speciellt denna dagen då alla hade bestämt att ringa mig.
Först får man samtal från Däckfirman, (ska byta till vinterdäck) han hörde knappt vad jag sa, men tror vi kom överrens om samma dag och tid. (Hoppas!) Annars blir det en rolig upplevelse.
Sen ringde ett företag som jag skickat jobbansökan till och bad om en intervju. Jag blev jätteglad. "Äntligen händer nåt på jobbfronten", tänkte jag.
Och det gjorde det verkligen. Senare under dagen fick jag tips om ett annat jobb av en gammal klasskompis. Skicka in mitt Cv och fick ett samtal en timma senare med önskan om intervju hos dem med. Vilket jag var hos idag.
Var väldigt roligt eftersom jag fick träffa min gamla vän som man inte sett på några år. Hon är hur go som helst. :)
Får se om man får något av jobben.
Medan jag väntar på besked så kommer ett nytt avsnitt av Rebecca & Fionas serie idag. Tack vare dem hittar man massa ny musik. Rekomenderar deras spotify lista.