I thought I would do a summary of my 2010 but the more I think about the more boring it sounds. I've done nothing than worked or been unemployed. I mean the year have been good to me because me and my family are healthy and that's so important to me. But I haven't experienced so much which I hoped for. Let's face it; I have to break my pattern and be a bit more adventurous. That's my New Year Resolution, Seek adventures.
But I will do a list of my favorites moments of 2010 even though I think it was quite a boring year ;-)
# The Glasgow trip in January with almost the whole gang.
#My Tv appearance in "Vem vet mest?", (Though it was pretty embracing) (Look at that pic of me! So glad that I can laugh at myself, haha)
#The birth of Andrea and Dennis daughter Matilda
#I bought myself a car, which have been and is such a freedom for me.
# Green Day at Ullevi (because they can get a crowd going!)
So that's it, really...
Not a very exciting year, but I hope I'll find some adventures in 2011.
I'm happy to get some suggestions ;-)
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! (even everyone I don't know ;-))
torsdag 30 december 2010
Summary of 2010
onsdag 29 december 2010
Darren Criss!
Darren Criss is a singer/songwriter who I've fallen for. I discovered him this summer when I come across "A very potter musical" on youtube. He played Harry and after some own youtube vids with covers he managed to get a part on Glee during this autumn as the character Blaine.
My favorites songs he has done are "Not alone" and "Sami" which goes straight into my heart....especially now....
"I’ve seen her face
I’ve heard her name
I’ve lost my place and she’s to blame
I can’t stand it
When I’m staring in her eyes
And she’s not looking back
It’s not a big surprise
I’ve heard music,
I’ve heard noise
I wish she could hear her voice
The way that I do
When I go to sleep at night
And dream my life away
But she’s gone when I awake
Sami, Sami
Why can’t you see
What you’re doing to me?
The way her hair falls in her eyes
Makes me wonder
If she’ll ever see through my disguise
And I’m under her spell
Everything is falling
But I don’t know where to land
She just knows where she is
But she don’t know who I am
Sami, Sami
Why can’t you see
What you’re doing to me?
I see you singing on that stage
You look just like an angel
And all I do is pray
And maybe someday
You’ll hear my song
And understand that all along
There’s something more that I’ve been trying to say
When I say
Sami, Sami
Why can’t you see
What you’re doing to me?"
söndag 26 december 2010
Christmas 2010
Julafton spenderades som alltid hos kära faster och resten av släkten på pappas sida plus några till. Vi var många i år, hela 16 st varav Amanda var det enda barnet. Hur kul som helst när hennes pappa (min kusin) klär ut sig till tomten och hon ser att det han. Vilka blickar hon kan ge när tomten frågar "om Amanda kan hjälpa gamla tomten med dom tunga paketen".
Min familj tycker tydligen jag inte hittar tillräckligt bra så jag fick en GPS till bilen. Den ska väl komma till använding :)
Juldagen tillbringades med underbara vänner med häng först hos Malin och sen trotsade vi kylan och mina lår fick ta stryk. Fick inte komma in på Flamingo så vi vandra vidare till Vasa och Jazzhuset. Låren skrek efter värme.
Vi kom fram och in och sen var det bara att köpa dricka och dansa sig varm på dansgolvet.
(Jag och fina Sarah som vet hur man rör sig på dansgolvet :))
Annorlunda människor än vad jag är van vid vilket var skönt. Bra musik också, vilket fick kroppen att släppa loss och släppa lite hämningar. Dansade bort mina bekymmer för stunden igår. Men sen kom man hem där fyra väggar stänger in mig å mina tankar. Hatar och älskar dessa väggar som man har. Men vill väl helst byta ut dom.
La mitt tunga huvud på kudden som trots allt fortfarande var mjuk när allt annat känns hårt nu.
Somna in å vaknar bedövat till en ny dag å hoppas den känslan håller i sig ett tag.
Musik lindrar. Rekommenderar Duffys senaste album ”Endlessly”.
Och idag på Annandagen blir det Julafton nr 2 med småkusinerna. :D
tisdag 21 december 2010
Mini Christmas :)
The day before yesterday (or förrgår like we say in swedish :P) Me and most of my friends had a Mini Christmas at Sarahs and Bamses place and it was perfect!
There were so much buns, gingerbread, mulled wine, sweets and rice pudding that we couldn't eat it all :P
We played, in lack of a better translation, The Gift Game. We all bought some presents and laid them in a pile and then we throw dices and if you got a 1 or a 6 you could choose a present. When the pile where out we opened them and then the war began!
Then we throw the dices again, this time on a certain time, and if you got the right numbers you could "steal" the presents from each other. :D I can say that when the clock rang about half shouted "Yes" and the other half "No" :P
Then we had competition who could decorate the best gingerbread house;-)
onsdag 15 december 2010
10 things to do before I die
So I watched Oprah a few weeks ago and she had four guys there who tried to do 100 (yes hundred) things before they die...but they had managed to almost do every thing on that list in a year. (Including playing basketball with Barack Obama)
So I got inspired to do my own list. But a hundred was a bit much so I thought 10 would be more reasonable.
But I've only managed to come up with 6 so far...
1. Buy a house with a (big) garden
2. Jump bungyjump (though my fear of heights)
3. Jump parachute (to overcome the fear)
4. Visit Chelsea Flower Show in London
5. Visit Eden Project
6. Visit Manchester (and all of Britain really, but these places first of all)
I don't know what the other four should be. Maybe some historical places from Ancient Greece...but haven't decided yet. Anyone who have some suggestions? :)
Maybe I should challenge myself and do them all in a year like those guys...:P or in a five year period ;-)
onsdag 8 december 2010
16 days to Christmas :)
Maybe 16 days sounds a lot but I promise it will go fast and soon the whole thing is over :(.
Since last time I wrote I have seen the latest Harry Potter movie, and they had manage to follow the book really well :).
I celebrated my dear friend Andrea on Saturday and her little daughter just gets bigger and bigger :)
(I know the pic is blurry, my phone cam sucks :P)
On Monday my other dear friend had a dance show. He had got a dance course from his friends at work as a gift when he moved to an apartment.
So he has been practicing his bad ass moves all autumn and the school had a dance show which I saw. He was great, though he did some mistakes, but I mean I would never have done that! Takes courage to do that if you just a beginner you know.:)
And unfortunately I feel I'm coming down with a illness, like I usually do at this time a year. I've got a sour throat, but soon I'll probably get a cold and a fever as well. But until then I will work my ass off. :P
As I coming to an end to this post I have to recommend some music!
I always get struck by RnB-ballads-fever at november-december and this year was no different :P
You have to listen to Nicki Minaj song "Save me" (the whole album actually; Pink Friday) and Rihanna "California King bed". (and her whole album as well, Loud.)
And just a few days ago I discovered Bruno Mars "Grenade" and Beyoncé "Smash into you".
Go and listen!