söndag 9 januari 2011

I got two rights! :D

Yes that's right! I got TWO easy questions yesterday at the show "Vem vet mest?" and I'm so proud! :D Though I embarrassed myself a little I'm happy with the outcome. (Maybe not when I'm watching it on Tv later on in march when it airs....)
But everything were twice the better than last time. My answers, the food, my follow participants, the people who took care of us, my look :P my pounding heart did not flip out too much :P So, yeah, I'm satisfied with the outcome with my participation this time :D

It was dancing times last night with the girls as well. We went to the club Pustervik at Järntorget. Unfortunately I didn't like the music much. I got bored when it was the same beat over and over again. And the base was way to high and just hurt my ears.
And I hate disgusting guys on the dance floor! Like always they're trying it on and I don't want to, I'm out with my girls and don't want to dance with you! GET THE MASSAGE when I'm turning my back and walking away...don't follow! *sigh*
Lucky my friends can crack a smile on me otherwise the night had been too doll :P

lördag 8 januari 2011

First week in 2011

Hope you all had a great New Year and that the first week have been good too. Did you made some good New Year Resolution?
Mine was to seek adventures so I say "Yes" to everything that comes up :P (Maybe not the best idea in the long run....)

My first week of the year have been busy. I've worked 6 days (and some more) and went to see Rebecca & Fiona in the middle of the week. They were on the club Yaki-Da here in Gothenburg and they were so amazing that I expected. Everything they choose to play sounds good. And it's obvious they're popular 'cause I've never seen a more crowded and sweaty dance-floor. The floor literally was moving ten cm up and down and I thought that it would cave in or something :P
They played their new song as well and I already love it!

And on Wednesday morning they rang me from SVT for the third time and asked me to be in the show "Vem vet mest" again. :P And like I said, I say yes to everything for the moment so this Saturday (tomorrow) I will try to answer correctly at some questions. Why did I say yes?? I will probably embarrass myself again! But okey, there's free food so that's good :P
Please, I ask for only one easy question like last time then I'm happy.
I hope I've have some luck in games 'cause love don't go well for the moment....so I don't think it's too much to ask for....ONE EASY QUESTION!

"Why don't you see
That I could save you
Let me save you"