lördag 26 april 2008

Some pics

I don't have any long novel to write right now so I just show a few pics from the last week;-)
We're really working our ass off :P Thats Nina and Caroline ;-)
That's our long trench :P

Sjödin had a party in his new apartment. This is linda with an straight Bazooka :P;-)

Sjödin had his own beer tapping machine :D

And we played guitarr Hero and I was quite good for my first time;-) (or not :P)

torsdag 24 april 2008

Planning Birthdayparty

Met emelie and mai before to plan our upcoming birthdays ;-) And I hope it'll be great. We'll have a theme of some kind but we haven't decided us yet, I'll know what I'm hoping for :P

Otherwise I working my ass off in school, and I mean
physical :P We're digging a long trench where we'll place an edge of stone. It's not easy will I say! Atleast it's a good exercise;-) And it's nice in the sun, I'm glad it's not raining :)

A funny thing to do is to google your own name. Useully I don't find anything intressting, but now I did;-)
Last year I attended an excavation with my class in archaeology and now I found the report that our teachers
made. So if anyone intresting in what we did in Ytterby click at the link below ;-)


I'm in a hole in Ytterby last year ;-)

måndag 21 april 2008


So will this blogg be something serious, I don't know yet. The most useful with it for now, atleast, will be that
it's in english. My wish is that it will become international. I hope some of my lines will be quoted in
the future, that would be fun ;-)
I will try my best to write something clever, Like my dear friend Eff always does.
I will probably do that, because deep inside of me there's a poet. She has only been asleep for
a while I'm afraid. Time to wake up again!
But if the clever words will not come I will atleast write about my life and all things around.

I'm trying to change it (my life) for the moment, tiny steps at a time.
Among other things; update my wardrobe, contact more people and exercise. (I've recently start running, or
walking, in stairs in our house...and for the record, the building have 9 floors :p)
But if I'll manage to change it and be a little more happier...? We'll see;-) Perhaps that's why I'm starting
this blog, to record my path to fortune and fame? :P
Otherwise it's fun to be creative a couple of times a week;-)