fredag 30 oktober 2009

The season is over

Today the season ended. My work I mean. 6 month of early mornings, cutting grass, picking weed, empty trash and lately very cold days...icing cold.
But on the other side all the good things like my co workers, have something to do and the money are also gone...okey, not all my money. I have the right to get money from the unemployment benefit society...but not as much like my salary was but at least something.
I hope I can get back next year, but it all depends on if they're gonna cut down on the staff or not, and of course it's the season workers that this will affect on. Especially me who have only worked one season. But time will see....

In other news this week...I did the mc-theory test in Tuesday and I succeeded!! Only two points over the limit but I did it! I thought I would fail because I nearly was late though to stop in the tram traffic and then I manage to get to the wrong address (!) and then my picture become a mess so I had to do it again. And during the test I realize that the questions were to hard! But I was lucky and got the points that I needed :)

And Sarah come with a really good suggestion on Sunday. We're going to Glasgow in January! Sarah (God bless her for this!) has already booked in us on a Hostel in the city and now we're only waiting for some cheap flight tickets on Ryanair.
Updates on this later on ;-)

So next week I can sleep and rest for a while before I put in a higher gear and will do some good! :)
But until then I'm going home to Caroline for some cosy time in front of the Tv with Idol streaming out of it :P

P.S. I will vote for Mariette! :)

söndag 25 oktober 2009


Now we've changed to wintertime here in Sweden and say a better way to start off the morning than listening to Joshua Radins beautiful song "Winter"! That is a very nice way to start off any morning :)
On the news they're talking about how we're going to manage the winter now when it's getting darker, giving some tips and so.
The usual stuff like light candles and have cosy nights with friends and family. Yes, that's great stuff but I have some more tips:
Try to find things to do that makes you smile, for example comedies of all kinds, be with your loved ones and try to do something different with them. New experience such as just simple things like taking a walk in the nature, and then I mean nature, in the woods (like Delsjön, Sisjön, and others nature areas with made paths).
And soon it will start Christmas markets all over the place, and you better search them up now because many of them begins already in November. (Like the one at Tjolöholms castle, 18-22 November. )

And real good music do so much for you. A group I'll always have listening to (for at least 10 years) and I come back to in regular basis are The Corrs. Though their latest album was 4 years ago I'll never get tired of hearing them, maybe because they have both songs in pop and Irish folk genre, up tempo and easy going, some there they're not singing at all. But the main reason why they are my favourite group is that they just make me feel good.
Do you also have an artist that makes you feel that way? :) If not, find one! (or two ;-))
Maybe cosy series like Gilmore Girls are an option too ;-)

These are a few tips that works on me and maybe on you as well (hope!) Or else a certain way to feel a little better on grey days is to stretch your back and put a smile on your lips and hold on for 10-15 seconds and you will feel a little bit lighter, I promise!

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Joshua Radin live!

Yesterday I finally got to see Joshua Radin live! :) Though it were some problems earlier during the day. Rossie called and said she felt ill and couldn't go so we had to find someone else who could, and in a short amount of time....
It ended with that Rossies friend Jasmine managed to persuade her aunt to tag along.
They were very nice so the night was not ruined.
And when Joshua entered the stage (after a little wait) the night got more perfect!
He is truly amazing and the crowd were great as well, at least Joshua thought so. He said it's really appreciated when the crowd is silence and listen to his songs (which are very easy going and calming, not dance or rnb songs exactly :P) We all just stood there and enjoyed ourself totally! :) But he also played a few new songs that will be on his upcoming album and those were a little more pop/rock and everyone just jumped around for a while, then he played Winter and it went back to easy rocking (vaggningar) back and forward :P

I can say that I went asleep as a calm person after that soothing concert! :)

lördag 10 oktober 2009

Grävt odlingslotten och magont

Idag palla jag mig ut till landet å grävde på min nyinskaffade odlingslott som jag fick ärva från en en snäll man i koloniområdet.
Det var inte lätt för jag har haft magont, liksom kramper sen igår kväll. Jättekonstigt, ont för ingen anledning och kan inte äta något nästan....lite jobbigt. Men hoppas det går över till måndag.

Efter jag hade grävt i två och en halv timme hade jag bara kommit lite över hälften. Inte lätt detta. Men det är att gräva och vända jorden som är jobbigast, sen blir det lättare som tur är.
Granqvist kom ut en sväng men han hjälpte mig inte med att gräva utan förhörde mig på mc-teori bara. Vilket också är bra eftersom det enbart är tre veckor kvar till provet. Får hoppas man klarar det, för efter november kommer nya regler vilket innebär att man måste ha utfört riskutbildningen (typ som halkan för B-körkort) innan man gör teorin Vill helst ha teorin överstökad så slipper man tänka på den ;-)

Jag har inte bestämt mig vad jag ska odla på min lilla yta än. Får tänka över detta i vinter. Något lättodlat eftersom det är första gången. Men är sugen på squash, bönor och goa små smultronplantor :) Mums!
Så här mycket hann jag gräva, ett tungt jobb, men som tur är så är man van från jobbet. ;-)

lördag 3 oktober 2009

Läckö slott plus annat

Jag glömde ju meddela om vistelsen till Läckö slott förra veckan. Den var väldigt trevlig trots regn å rusk.
Börjar med möte på Västra kyrkogården där man möter massa människor man aldrig sett eftersom vi på Fridhem är lite isolerade från resten av kyrkogårdsförsamlingen. Men trevligt å se nya ansikten, (vilket vara alla utom Kristian som också kommer från Fridhem).
Väl framme efter två timmars bussfärd så fick vi en guidad tur inne i slottet, lite historia är aldrig fel :)
Besökte även den fina köksträdgården vilket tilltalar mig mer nu för tiden än historia ;-)
Sen var det iväg till Lidköping där vi åt lunch och även besökte Porslinfabriken där det är outlet på märken som kosta boda, höganäs och så vidare men dock dyrt ändå så köpte inget. (Är ju samma priser i Freeport eller ännu billigare i Ullared ;-))
Sen kom man hem och så var den dagen över. Men väldigt trevligt att bli bjuden på en sån liten roadtrip av jobbet, får man ju inte av alla arbetsgivare :)

Köksträdgården vid Läckö slott får bli min inspiration just nu för igår såg jag till och skaffa mig en odlingslott ute på landet ;-) Så nästa år blir det att odla lite allt möjligt. Tänkte experimentera lite dessutom....öva licksom så jag får bättre kunskap inför mitt yrke ;-) Det kommer säkert bli svett, blod och tå även goda tilltugg att knapra på! Så värt det i slutändan ;-)
Ni får gärna komma å hälsa på, kanske rensa ogräs å få med sig lite smultron med er hem. ;-)