tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Unemployed ...again...

Last Thursday was my final day at my seasonal work. There is unfortunately not much to do in winter time as a gardener so work consist only for six month or so. But I wanted to quit this job because my knee hurts and I didn't like it very much there anyway.
I hope I can find a more interesting job in the nearest future but it's not easy in today society. I actually got an interwiev last Friday and tomorrow I will try it for a few hours (not payed though). It's just a part-time job, though.
We'll see if I like it, and if they like me...maybe.

Though I'm happy to get rid of my old job and get some "vacation" I kind of hit rock bottom today. It totally sucks not to have a job that you like and to get an disant salary from so you manage to have your own apartment and your own life!
I don't like my current life at the moment, but it does not suck completely though. I will get some money from my unemployment benefit society (a-kassa) and both my family and I have a good health.
I feel worthless when I can't get a full-time job and earn my own living.
Yes, that's the right word, worthless.

But yesterday I became a bit happy. I got my season 2 DVD of Legend of the Seeker in my mailbox! Just took five days instead of twenty.
I try to be happy for the small things in life for now. :)

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