fredag 17 september 2010

Hot hot HOT in Turkey!

Yesterday I was back in Gothenburg after a hot week in Kemer, Turkey.
It was 26-40 degrees Celsius around the clock. Thank God for AC on the hotel room.

It was the third time for my parents in Turkey, only the first time for me. So I had to learn how to haggle (pruta) with the Turks. Not easy though :P but I did some bargains.
When you bought something and they were not to happy when you knew you did a bargain. But were they happy when you left you had probably payed a little too much.

The turkish people were all very nice and polite. But then we only met sellers and staff on the hotel. :P We stayed at an All inclusive hotel and when we ate it was nearly only young boys/men who took away our plates. And they all were very good-looking men. (wonder why, right?) :P Got a lot of commentaries how beautiful I was, which always is appreciated but two of them wanted to meet me after work which I didn't wanted to :P
It was funny entertainment at the hotel at evenings and we got to sit "at the front stalls" because our balcony were towards the scene. :)

Kemer had beautiful gardens and parks and everything is still blooming and is green. It felt like it was June or something. And all around Kemer it was high mountains (2000-3000 metres high) except towards the blue ocean of course. The first time I saw that high mountains "live" and it took your breath away :)

It was a nice trip but I got a strong sun burn, sun eczema. Unfortunately I've got sensitive skin and I burn myself a lot, especially abroad. So trips to hot and sunny countries it's not my ideal vacation but I wanted to get away and Kemer was very beautiful and it was fun to shop and spoil myself with good food :)

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