torsdag 12 februari 2009

My First

Got my first job interview today...ever actually :P I was a bit nervous but it was not to bad. The woman who interviewed me was very nice and it was easy to just be myself.
She said they will get in touch in two weeks so get your fingers crossed that it will be positive news :).
Otherwise I have had a busy week for once :). Eff came down to Götet on Saturday and we planned to try to do as much activities as we could....but so far it just have been walks, Indian lunch and a game of badminton (which I won ;-)) ...but it's still more than I usually do in a ordinary week nowadays :P
And tomorrow I, my brother, Granqvist and Linda are going to Ullared to do some shopping! oh yeah! :) A smaller trip suits me well now, think on something else ;-)

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Vart var du på intervju? sånt får du inte missa att skriva darling. jag ska hålla tummarna för dig.. kram på dig!

Anonym sa...

åh va roligt emelie :D Håller såklart tummarna för dig :=)

Anonym sa...

Var på bostadsbolaget;-) Wille;-)

å tack Heidi ;-)