lördag 29 augusti 2009

Too many thoughts and no action

Too many thoughts and no action is me in a nutshell, unfortunately.
I have too many dreams and ideas at once that nothing becomes reality, which sucks big time!
Why can't I just concentrate on one thing at a time??
I can't decide if I want to read some MC theory or to gain some knowledge in gardening so usually I just sit in front the computer and do nothing worth spending time on really.
And have I mentioned that I want to learn how to play the guitar as well? I've got the guitar but haven't played much on it. I need someone that push and motivate me to do all of these things. When you're in school you got the teacher but when you have to motivate yourself I'm really bad at it.
But one thing I am a little good at for the moment is to go to the gym and just work out, so a little proud am I but maybe not enough?
Someone who want to do some of the above things with me? We could motivate each other ;-)
Call me! :)

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