lördag 8 januari 2011

First week in 2011

Hope you all had a great New Year and that the first week have been good too. Did you made some good New Year Resolution?
Mine was to seek adventures so I say "Yes" to everything that comes up :P (Maybe not the best idea in the long run....)

My first week of the year have been busy. I've worked 6 days (and some more) and went to see Rebecca & Fiona in the middle of the week. They were on the club Yaki-Da here in Gothenburg and they were so amazing that I expected. Everything they choose to play sounds good. And it's obvious they're popular 'cause I've never seen a more crowded and sweaty dance-floor. The floor literally was moving ten cm up and down and I thought that it would cave in or something :P
They played their new song as well and I already love it!

And on Wednesday morning they rang me from SVT for the third time and asked me to be in the show "Vem vet mest" again. :P And like I said, I say yes to everything for the moment so this Saturday (tomorrow) I will try to answer correctly at some questions. Why did I say yes?? I will probably embarrass myself again! But okey, there's free food so that's good :P
Please, I ask for only one easy question like last time then I'm happy.
I hope I've have some luck in games 'cause love don't go well for the moment....so I don't think it's too much to ask for....ONE EASY QUESTION!

"Why don't you see
That I could save you
Let me save you"

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