tisdag 27 april 2010

Legend of the seeker cancelled! I'm nearly devastated!

Three bad things in three days!
On Sundays we had to cancel the plans about Öland.
Yesterday we got no tickets to the famous Chalmers party at Valborg :(
And today I read the news that they've cancelled my favourite tv-show The Legend of the Seeker.
They will not pick it up for a third season I mean and I am so sad now. I know it sounds ridiculous but I fell in love with that show. The best show in five years for me and I need a parallel world I can flee to when I'm to tired of the real one....I tried to read the books but thought it was a bit boring. But now when they're cancelling the show I have to give it another try....

I read on the internet that other fans try to save the show by sending emails to writers and Tv networks. Signing some petitions (I have as well) but I think they will fail....the networks and other people around the show just think about the money. But I can't believe that the show is not bringing in money...It seems so popular I mean. Everyone loves Legend of the Seeker!

I have to buy the DVD boxes later. And just watch over and over again till I find a new fantastic show. (But I doubt I ever will...)

Love for the amazing actors of the show. (And writers)

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