onsdag 2 juni 2010

oh Cara Mason

I found a perfect description of Cara and why I love her so much in Legend of the Seeker by 'the echo fades' on tumblr.com . ( http://echofades.tumblr.com/post/654475297/07-cara-mason-legend-of-the-seeker-can-we )

"Words cannot express my love for Cara. Although I was already loving show by around mid-S1, and obviously adored Kahlan, I still found it a tad dull that our main characters were just skipping around as a trio of goodness and light. And then.. Cara came along. I feel like they needed Cara to add that edge to the group dynamic. Always there to roll her eyes whenever Richard wanted to leave the quest to save some random, throw out snarky remarks whenever they wanted to do the “right thing”, look totally bemused whenever any of them mentioned love. And her growth was fantastic - she’s such a layered character and has changed so much without losing what makes her Cara. Every time she smiles or admits she cares about the group it kinda kills me a little bit :’) She may still think it makes her weak but I wouldn’t want her any other way.. I love my Cara as the ultimate HBIC (Head Bitch In Charge) and resenting the fact that the gang have made her feel again, heh. It makes me way too sad that she’s being taken away so soon after I discovered her."

I so agree with 'the echo fades' .

Why do they (ABC and others) take away Cara from us!? :( :(

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