tisdag 11 maj 2010

1000 kilometres

I have driven over 1000 kilometres (100 mil) with my new car now. It took me a month, so about 12000 in a year...
I love my car. Much easier to get to work :) And to get to places afterwards without taking to long....it will be very useful when it gets a bit warmer in the water so I can take a dip or two :)

The work is easier now aswell. Now when I've got a hang of it. I don't have as much anxiety any more. I have worked with five different guys now and everyone have been easy to work with and they follow my directions :) I'm the boss :P

I listened to Nicklebacks song "If today was your last day" on the radio today and wondered what I would do if that was true. I couldn't do much for myself...not in a day anyway..if I had a month or a week I would travel to New Zeeland and see the amazing nature. But in just a day I would try to help someone....change their life for the better. Especially poor children in the world. I hate when children suffers. I give 100 kr to unicefs each month and hope they'll do some good with it.

If you only had a short amount of time to live....what would you do? I think it's good to think about this sometimes....then maybe we don't take our life for granted. Today lesson ;-)

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