lördag 29 maj 2010

Salsa time!

Yeah! Last night it was salsa time at Rio Rio in Gothenburg. Salsa/Reggaeton has some nice rhythms!
Rio Rio had two dancefloors, one on upper deck (Rio Rio is a boat) with just electronic music....not my kind of music, like more dance and trance...but we met some real nice and laid backed people though ;-)
And one floor below deck with salsa and reggeaton music. When we got down it was some kind of follow-the-expert-time...One guy with a microphone who led about 30 people in some easy steps. We joined and it was great! Have to do that more often. Then we just frestyled with each other. I danced with Ouday, or least I tried :P
I have to take some lessons in salsa! :) Who's with me??

Today my parents travel to Turkey so my brother and I are home alone again...on good and bad terms....(I'm not a good chef compared to my mother :P)
Maybe the apartment will look like a bomb exploded when they'll get back...because I dont like to clean after work when I'm so tired...and I know my brother will not care to do it either....:P
Oh, well...today's Saturday and I will just relax.

Until next time friends...listen to this :)


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