torsdag 13 maj 2010

Happy B-Day to me! :)

Yes, today is my twenty-third birthday and I have got a lot of nice attention :D Very thankful for all of my friends :D
Today and tomorrow I have taken the days off from work so I can enjoy a long weekend for once. Hard to work you know :P Real nice to have some time over to go to the gym or just chill a bit :)

Besides my birthday today so have I got some other "attention" from media. I've been on national television in a show called "Vem vet mest?" and I embarrassed myself a little. I just laughed when I saw the episode. Oh, well....Can't be good at everything :P Quite hard to deliver the right answer or just guess when you're under pressure like that. My heart pounded so hard I couldn't hear myself think :P haha...

If you want to check out the ep (it's part 79) :

But it has been a good day and I should have birthdays more often :P Tomorrow it's party at my place and I will treat my friends with some sweets :)

Bye for now! But remember! You're special! :D

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